January 10, 2014

instaGC - Another Great Way to Earn FREE Gift Cards

Photo courtesy of Mark Morgan
Being thrifty is about learning ways to stretch a dollar, but it's also about finding new ways to make that dollar to stretch! Another way I've found to do that is by earning instant gift cards with instaGC.  I signed up some time ago but totally forgot about it so don't have a testimonial yet about cashing out, but after looking at it again today, I definitely will!   

(Edited to add:  In just a few minutes this evening, I earned enough to cash out my first $1 card, and almost have enough for the second one).

Another trusted friend has earned loads of gift cards that she used at Christmas, so I will piggy-back on her testimonial, and share my own once I have something big to brag about.

Editing again to add that I did reach enough that same day for a second $1 gift card, so I cashed out for $2 and got my amazon gift card immediately!  Yes, you can cash out after earning as little as $1!

Like many other sites, you earn points on instaGC by performing various activities - watching videos, browsing other websites, etc., that you then cash in to get your gift cards.  Can you ever have enough amazon gift cards?  NO!  (There are plenty more stores to choose from, besides amazon, though).

Each point you earn is equal to one penny, so it's easy to see how well you're doing without having to whip out a calculator or be a math whiz.  This blog post you're reading?  I just earned 25 pts for writing it up and including my referral link!

Enough chatter ... I'm off to instaGC to earn those gift cards!  Won't you join me?

~ Marie Anne

P.S.   Read this post to see one quick and easy way to earn points every morning.

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