June 2, 2012

Bargain Book Adventure

Love books?  Love a good deal?  Follow me over to Bargain Books & Random Reviews for a combination of the two!

I love to read but being frugal, I use my public library for much of my reading material, and also keep my eye out for books online that are cheap and free.  With my new blog, I'll be passing on some of those deals to you.  

Bargain Books & Random Reviews will be filled with links to books in both print and digital format that are either free or good deals.  I'll group bargain books by topic or genre and will try to post daily, so make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any.

I'll also be doing occasional posts of book reviews and featured authors, so if you're a writer who'd like to be in the spotlight, please email me for more information.

1 comment:

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Very cool! I'm wondering if I have your review blog on my sidebar of book review blogs? I have quite an eclectic list as a resource for writers looking for reviewers.