August 18, 2011

Free Coupon Giveaway - What Coupons Do You Want?

I've got a ton of coupons that I'll never use so thought I'd run a simple giveaway to gift them to someone else so they don't go to waste.  I can do it one of several ways and would like input from my readers before running the contest.  You guys are going to be the winners, so tell me what you'd like to win!

Would you rather have:

1:  Grab bag  (A mish-mash of all sorts of coupons)
2:  One Category (Coupons of all one type, e.g., cereal, pets, HBA, etc)
3:  Combination of both (See below)

I was thinking to group like coupons together to give away - perhaps one category each week - and then one giveaway with the remaining coupons that don't have enough to fill any one category.

If this goes over well, I should be able to run a contest like this at least once each quarter (with possibly one giveaway each week of the selected month, depending on which way it's run).  Of the three choices listed, what's your preference?

1 comment:

Mari said...

2. I prefer a category. That way I know whether I should enter or not. Right now I am looking for pet coupons (fancy feast, pedigree dog food cans)

runningmatey at hotmail dot com