January 2, 2011

Low Carb Diet - Day One

I got through the first day really well, as I'd hoped.  For breakfast I ate two eggs (from the girls in the backyard), one veggie sausage patty, and a cup of tea with less than a teaspoon of sugar.

I went to town to stock up on low-carb food only to find that Aldis was closed (um yea, Marie Anne, it was New Year's Day) so backtracked to WalMart and only ended up with a few things since the prices are higher.  Spent 20 min in the stupid checkout line with only one person ahead of me.  Since I hadn't eaten anything in several hours except a handful of pistachios and almonds, I was in a pretty pissy mood by then.

Seasoned the ground beef and  made up several hamburger patties to freeze so I could pull one out and fix when needed.  I figure it has to be cheaper than buying them ready made, and I know they have to taste better.  Fried up one patty for a late lunch.

Dinner was blackeyed peas cooked with the ham bone and scraps from Christmas.  I somehow misplaced the rice and cornbread fixings and believe I probably left a bag at the store several weeks ago. That's ok, rice and cornbread aren't on my low-carb list anyway.  I was going to cheat a bit, but it's better that I didn't.  The beans tasted great with the ham, and while not exactly low-carb, they're full of fiber so still not bad.

In between all that I munched on almonds and pistachios.

I started the new year at 182 and hope to drop 25 lbs by the end of May, so that's approx 5 lbs per month, very do-able for me.  My friend Zoe is starting at 196.4 and wants to get to 175 during the same time frame, so our starting point and goals are a pretty good match.

Here I am, January 1, 2011.   I started at 213 last year, lost 51 lbs, then 20 lbs crept back on to the 182 lbs in this photo.

Say goodbye ... you'll likely not see this person again.


Unknown said...

I love veggie sausage. Sounds good. Goodbye to the old and in with the new.

A Girl and Her eBooks said...

You're going to do great with this, Marie!!