April 25, 2010

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day

Another week has come and gone; where did it go?

I published several articles this week, a few with craft ideas and miscellaneous others thrown in. I'm becoming more brave about submitting for upfront offers and am pleased with the amounts offered so far.

If you want to get paid to write, click the link at the top right of this blog post and join me at Associated Content. Beneath that button is a list of my most recent articles, and you can see the entire list here. You can write about just about anything you want, and if you have a particular topic you're passionate about, you can apply to become a Featured Contributor and earn even more.

We've all heard the term Carpe Diem which is said to be Latin for seize the day. I stumbled onto a site this morning that really put things into perspective, and encourage you to take a moment to read Derek's words. So simple, yet so profound.

I saw that site just after writing the article this morning Honor Your Deceased Mother on Mother's Day. I lost my own mother this past June, so his words really touched me.

Don't let any more days get away from you. Seize them with a passion.

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