May 17, 2012

Free - Suzanne Woods Fisher's The Keeper

Suzanne Woods Fisher's book, The Keeper, is free for two days only, May 17 and 18.  Available for both Kindle and Nook, The Keeper is Suzanne's first book in her new series, Stoney Ridge Season.

If you like Christian or Amish Fiction, you'll love Suzanne Woods Fisher.  If you've never read any of her works, you're missing out on a great read, so snatch up the free version on either Amazon Kindle or Barnes and Noble's Nook today to get a taste of what she can do with the written word.  Suzanne is a keeper, and The Keeper is too.

Suzanne's second book in the Stoney Ridge Season series will be out in August 2012 and is available for preorder in both paperback and Kindle versions.

No Kindle?  Download the app to read on your PC, SmartPhone or Tablet - FREE!

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